Spider-Man - Definitive - Expert

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Gabrielgirododomingos · 2

This deck has been proving itself! It is Web-Warriors based and it uses the Warrior of the Great Web to boost Spider-Man attack for a final blow.

This deck has beaten (so far) Rhino+ Sinister Syndicate, Klaw + Crossfire's Crew, Crossbones and Taskmaster - all of them in Expert.

There are 2 copies of Warrior of the Great Web and this assures that you draw it fast. You should not use your web-warriors to chump block, because you want them to leave play during your turn so you can get the +1 attack boost from Warrior of the Great Web. This lasts only until the end of the phase, that is why you need to build up during the Hero phase.

It is very easy to manage threat, since you have Clear the Area, Crisis Averted and Lady Spider. You even have 2 copies of Stealth Strike to help ping damage around and remove threat at the same time.

If you go to alter-ego or draw an unwanted Advance while in hero form, use Great Responsibility to prevent the threat and run home to Aunt May so she can heal you.

Remember: "with great powers comes great responsibility". So make use of Web-Shooter, Deft Focus and Ingenuity to keep these resources running.

This deck had only issue to deal with threat when I played against Crossbones since his main schema threshold are so low. But still I managed to win.

Have fun and leave a comment on improvements or changes, I would love to hear them =)