Spider-UK is (Hangar) Bae

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for

Theberg123 · 1527

encounter force

First Love

Spider-UK is one of the communities most loved allies of the year. And some people REALLY love him, so much so as to call him their (Hangar) Bae. Alright we're gonna drop the bit there. When Hangar Bay was revealed it was met by the Marvel Champions community with resounding neutral note of recognition. The card is not necessarily bad, you have probably noticed interesting decks already implementing it, but it does feel under supported at the moment. Spider-UK was one of the allies I saw mentioned a lot that could potentially unlock something special from the new support card. So I was surprised to see no decks posted to MCDB that put the two together! So, here is my early submission for the paring.

Match Made In Heaven

I had the idea to run these cards with the Peter Parker Spider-Man hero, despite the slower Web-Warrior setup he has compared to others, for two big reasons. First, of all the potential heroes that can get the Web-Warrior trait, Peter felt like he needed the most help with minion control, which is what UK's ability excels at managing. The three Swinging Web Kick cards are a good source of damage, but they are often a bit overkill for minions and are better to throw against your villain. Second, not starting with the Web-Warrior trait lets Peter have the Avenger trait. This is nice as it lets us run Muster Courage.

Our end goal here is obviously to set up Spider-UK with Hangar Bay, and then we keep playing Muster Courage to give him a tough status. This will let him defend against Villain attacks without worrying about being defeated, while also squeezing in 5 damage when we are fully setup on Web-Warriors. Hangar Bay will then give him the ready so he can defend again against a minion and often defeat them before they can damage him. And that's it! A very solid repeatable play providing you Villain Damage, defense, and minion control. On top of all this you're still playing a competent Web-Warrior deck with the added boon of Muster Courage!

What Is Love?

Going to try and give a non over-bearing breakdown. Allies are all the generically good and playable Web-Warriors, with some others. Silk is still cheap enough to be good before you have the Web-Warrior trait and can give it to you when you don't yet have WotW or WoLD, Miles procs often since we are keeping the board full for UK, and Hobie is nice to get our numbers up and 2-THW can be more valuable then you think early on. Across the Spider-Verse lets us recur UK if something went wrong to discard him or another component had to be put in play first when drawn together. Endurance gives us extra health to stretch the time before we go down and patch up with Aunt May, and lets us push with Spider-Tingle more. Speaking of, Spider-Tingle protects UK from surprise disruption, helps protect important cards from setup disruption, and can leave the villain with some very dead turns once are defenses are setup. It being a Genius trait to proc Black Cat more is also nice. Ingenuity is an awesome resource generator. Went with two Warrior of the Great Web for consistency purposes, as well as UK not being a bad target for your second, letting you wrap up your final damage against the villain sooner.

Ain't No Heartbreak

Took a fair win Expert Sinister Six, which is actually fairly vulnerable to UK, but they were paired with the nasty Inheritor mod set. That being said, there were still some excellent turns. With some help from other Web-Warriors softening up the enemies, UK had a couple of moments where he would defeat a Villain AND a Inheritor Minion within the same villain phase. This deck should scale to Multiplayer well with Muster Courage and WoLD, though in Solo I might recommend Bait and Switch to go in for the Spider-Tingles to better manage threat early on and cash in on your ample defensive options. I also think Target Acquired can be a good tech choice for any card you aren't sold on here, as managing boost affects with ally/setup hate can be super solid with your gameplan.

That's about all I have here. If you like Web-Warrior decks and want to try something with a fun combo option, or just have been waiting for a deck with Hangar Bay that seems interesting, I recommend you give this a go!