This oughta Even the Odds - Multitasking (multiplayer) Ms Ma

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Mgb1214 · 35

Multiplayer magician, Ms Marvel, pulls a side scheme to draw three cards with One Way or Another, then removes six threat from all side schemes with Even the Odds (buffed by Shrink), triggering Overwatchto remove six more from the main, pinging one damage as a result of Even the Oddskicker, then hits for five damage with Turn the Tide (buffed by Embiggen!), and you and the two people to your left each draw a card with their own personal copy of Skilled Investigator. Side schemes especially tough this turn? No sweat. Exhaust ms Marvel, pick up that card and remove four more threat all around.

All this paid for with Biokinetic Polymer Suit, Sense of Justice, and 0 cost cards.

While working on a multiplayer Ms Marvel deck, I looked at an interesting deck using Problem Solversto take advantage of Shrink to crush all threat in multiplayer games. It’s good, but is held back by all the obstacles to playing that card, since you needed a guardian and an avenger and Ms Marvel is neither. Not to mention the 4-cost.

So what about Even the Odds? Still works with Shrink but for two cost and doesn’t require anyone to exhaust. Big issue is that it scales per player and doesn’t remove threat from the main scheme. Overwatchfixes the latter, since I can remove the same amount of thwart from another scheme. For the former, as player count and potential number of side schemes goes down, For Justice! starts to look like the better card.

But, at four player, I’m thwarting 6 from every scheme out, for one less card cost as Problem Solvers(including the cost of Overwatch) which, at best, was only clearing 5 threat per scheme.

I built this for multiplayer, and when I play it that way, I throw in all three copies of Skilled Investigator, putting me at 42 cards.

In testing I was surprised that this ended up working pretty well in true solo as well. I swapped in For Justice or Clear the Area for Even the Odds and probably a two-cost ally instead of Justice Spider-Man. Ran my card draw engine, clearing any minions with Turn the Tide, until my board was set up and all threat was clear, flipping every turn to heal and generate cards with my Personas. Then late game I hit hard with Big Hands, usually playing it twice for at least ten damage a turn. Ended up crushing expert Klaw.

Mulligan hard for Shrink. Then Personas and resource generators. Particularly Biokinetic Polymer Suit, which helps you always satisfy the energy requirement on Even the Odds.