With a Little Help from his Friends

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Alduc · 998

We're still in the early stages of figuring out the more advanced strategy of Marvel Champions, but there is a simple paradigm that's been interesting me for a while now: allies can help you switch back to Alter-Ego mode much more easily.

The theorycraft behind this deck is simple: start building a board of allies then switch back to alter-ego mode at mid-game for the added card and resource advantage. With either Agent 13 or Falcon in play, it will be possible to manage threat while preparing for a big, final push.

Captain America built-in Living Legend ability works perfectly for this, so why not take advantage of it.

After some testing in both normal and expert mode, I can say it pretty much works as intended. It does require to evaluate the game state correctly to avoid threathening out, however.

Fun play: Strength In Numbers with your entire board to load up on cards, then Lead from the Front and Avengers Assemble! to finish the villain off.

I didn't include any non-Avengers ally in the deck in addition to the efficient (and obligatory) Agent 13. It is possible to go up to four allies in play, but doesn't happen every game.