WE are Wasp

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

aschneider2525 · 47

"With great power comes great responsibility" - Good Ole Uncle Ben


The idea of this deck is simple: Utilize Wasp's hero ability (split thwart/attack) to the best of our ability. If this is the goal, we want to prioritize cards that help ready Wasp and provide stat boosts.


The cards listed below will give us some of the best options in the game that will ready wasp and/or provide hero stat boosts:

  • Repurpose - This newfound, tech focused archetype is fun, giving tech upgrades a new purpose. This card gives us two things: stat boosts and hero readies. However, this card needs tech upgrades. Below is a list of the various tech upgrades that we can use for this card:

Forcefield Generator - 3x Energy Barrier - 3x Bio-Synthetic Wings - 1x Wasp's Helmet - 1x (Last resort: This card provides us hero stat boosts, so we would like this on the table ideally.)

  • What Doesn't Kill Me - HP aid and hero ready. Great!
  • Swarm Tactics - VERY situational, as you need the Ant-Man Ally + Swarm Tactics. When it works, it provides a free hero flip and a hero ready.
  • Symbiote Suit - Last, but certainly not least, our greatest treasure. Symbiote suit gives +1 to all hero stats and +1 to our hand size. "But what about the extra encounter card!?" you might say. And to that I say... read the Uncle Ben quote, let it soak in, and embrace your responsibility to take on the FUN encounters villains always provide us!

Feel free to interchange allies, if desired. Protection allies primarily chosen to maximize the use of The Power of Protection, attempting to always have a target for this card. Below are the reasons why the allies were chosen:

  • Black Widow - Wasp has plenty of mental resources. This gives us better odds of triggering her interrupt ability, if needed... Shadow of the Past
  • Brother Voodoo - Helps us find events, such as Repurpose & What Doesn't Kill Me
  • Clea - Good, cheap ally that can be reshuffled into the deck.
  • Nova - This protection deck has plenty of energy resources. This gives us better odds of triggering his interrupt ability, if desired.
  • Ironheart - Good, cheap ally that gives us a card draw.

Final Thoughts

Wasp's hero stats, at her GREATEST power level, can sit at a 7/7/8 (Forcefield Generator + Repurpose + Symbiote Suit + Wasp's Helmet). This stat, whether it's attack or thwart, can be split up among various schemes/villains. This ability is mostly unique to Wasp, so trying to maximize this ability is lots of fun! When Wasp is setup, she is a force to be reckoned with.

Good luck heroes! WE are WASP.