SCL1202 - Rocket Shoots Things with Friends

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
SCL1202 - I just want to tinker 3 2 3 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

Ditaki · 1

Allies and Rocket keep the threat low enough to manage (though I never managed to avoid flipping to the second scheme, particularly with all the hinder side schemes).

I did get Ingenuity out once, not sure you need it with Rocket's Salvage, but it did make things a little easier that game. Not sure how I feel about Assess the Situation either -- I feel like the deck didn't need that much acceleration generally. Gamora should probably be used for soak as well -- I saw a lot of good cards get discarded to find an attack event.

That said, I've got a renewed love for Rocket now!