Captain America S.H.I.E.L.D. Justice WILK

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Wilk · 13

Hello there young S.H.I.E.L.D. recruit. For your first assignment you will follow Captain America's lead and help him defeat global crisis thanks to his charisma. You will find all the details about your allies and support for this mission in the following file. Good luck and stay true to yourself.

The goal of this deck is to place as many S.H.I.E.L.D. cards as you can. They will stay on your board so you can get the better of Dum Dum Dugan and Homeland Intervention. This will also allow to thin your deck so you can get your events cards and allies more consistently.

Ressources :

-You have a lot of ressource generation/reduction thanks to Super-Soldier Serum, Helicarrier, Government Liaison and Avengers Mansion will help you draw extra cards.

-I found that The Power of Justice is somewhat unecessary, as most S.H.I.E.L.D. cards are basics and you can reduce their cost with Government Liaison and you also have The Power in All of Us. Quincarrier is also a bit overkill in my opinion. You can put it but if you want but be careful if you are playing with teammates who play it too !

Set-Up :

-Play Dum Dum Dugan ONLY when you have enough shield cards on play and at least 1 Field Agent to prevent unecessary damage. He is very costly but can last a long time if you reduce consecutive damage. You don't want to defend with him or thwart, as he is your heavy hitter.

-Super-Soldier Serum, Government Liaison are your most valuable ressource generation/reduction cards, so try to put them early even if it means having no allies at the beginning. The strength of this deck is how smooth it becomes once you have everything set-up, which should be fairly easy thanks to the low cost of your cards.

-Surveillance Team is mostly here to help Dum Dum Dugan get more damage per action. You can use it if you need to prevent some threat. Monica Chang will allow you to replay one if you discarded them early, but they are not that important and should be used whenever you need them.

Events :

-America's base event allow you to dish out damage consistently and stun thanks to Heroic Strike and Shield Toss.

-Homeland Intervention is a very good card and will allow you to remove up to 6 threats. If you have any Surveillance Team or Government Liaison that you don't need, they are good choices.

-Captain is very versatile so use it for whatever you need. I mostly use him to defend, thanks to his 3 defense stat with his shield. You can also ready him at the cost of 1 card thanks to his passive to help you clean a threat or kill a minion.

Little tips I use to do :

  • Try to swap in alter whenever you can to get extra card draw with Steve's Apartment and get the ally reduction from Cap's passive.

  • I often let my surveillance team stay with only 1 token left so it can get exhausted for Dugan or Homeland intervention, but if you have to don't be afraid to use the last token.

  • In multiplayer, you can (and should, if you are playing with 3-4 people) add some thwart events. Homeland Intervention, Clear the Area are good. Add Heroic Intuition to get value if you think the game will last a long time.

  • Skilled Investigator is a must if there are a lot of schemes. It's a 0 cost card so you can play it at any time.


Still improving this deck. You might consider adding some damage events or upgrades, but I found this version to be consistent enough.

Good luck and have fun with the coolest Avenger !