Fury Forever! *w/video*

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Menudo Robo! 0 0 0 1.0

Board Game Lawyer · 250

The concept for this one is to play Fury as many times as you can in one turn, drawing your deck as you go. Playthrough against Kang found here https://youtu.be/pYXbag3zRck


Sep 05, 2022 MiguelCantillo3 · 12061

A thousand possibilities with Spider-Woman and one more point to the strategy of playing Nick Fury over and over again. Congratulations for this fun deck

Sep 05, 2022 Grobatar · 1

Hello and thanks for sharing that cool idea of a deck. Just my 2 cents, but unless I'm missing something, the card "Go Down Swinging" feels like a better version of "Last Stand" in this deck : not only you get a better damage output (2 dmg + 4 dmg instead of 5 dmg), but also you have the option to go for a mixed 2thw + 4dmg.

Sep 05, 2022 berzerk108 · 2

Great deck idea, can't wait to try it!

@Grobatar I think you missed that both Go Down Swinging and Last Stand are in the deck

Sep 05, 2022 Grobatar · 1

Haha yes ! I feel kinda stupid about misreading the deck list, but at least I understand the presence of that triple Last Stand. Thanks berzerk108

Sep 06, 2022 Board Game Lawyer · 250

Thanks everyone! One of the viewers suggested swapping out Meditation, and adding Team-Building Exercise. I think that could be a really good idea.

Sep 06, 2022 Snowjedi6 · 87

Perhaps Last Stand could be replaced with Rapid Response? Get some great card draw recursion with that.

Sep 08, 2022 FifouChicken · 1

Maybe I would replace the 3 Last Stand and one Chance Encounter with Maria Hill, White Tiger and 2 Rapid Response. You will have more allies to defend and more options to draw cards.

Sep 08, 2022 Board Game Lawyer · 250

Both great suggestions @Snowjedi6and @FifouChicken! No harm in testing it out with some potentially better choices. I’d love to hear how it goes if you get the opportunity.

Sep 08, 2022 berzerk108 · 2

@FifouChicken only thing is, you can't swap out Chance Encounter for a Leadership card, as that breaks the Justice/Leadership balance.

Sep 08, 2022 Board Game Lawyer · 250

good call @berzerk108. ya need to find a way to balance that out. swapping out for same aspect. Those chance encounters are really key to how this deck runs. Not getting Fury early can really jam you up.

Sep 08, 2022 FifouChicken · 1

@berzerk108 You're right! Then we can replace one Rapid Response with Agent Coulson which can give you Rapid Response when played

Sep 08, 2022 berzerk108 · 2

@FifouChicken Ah that's a great idea!