Sneaky Cat From Hell

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Marvel Chumpions · 168


Since everybody is doing She-Hulk decks then I figured I would put one of my favorites out.

I think Hellcat is one of the best signature allies on the market. She is amazing and therefore, she is the keystone to this deck.

The main goal is simple, get Hellcat out and keep her bouncing back and forth from play and hand. Sneak Attack, Mighty Avengers, Avengers Tower, Command Team, Honorary Avenger, Make the Call, Regroup, and Meditation are all for the purpose to maximize Hellcat whether in Alter-ego or Hero form.

The main combo of this deck is getting Hellcat out and bouncing back. Here are some ways to do that: Sneak Attack Hellcat, use here twice with Command Team, then pull her back and potentially play her again with either Sneak Attack or paying cost. You can then bounce her back if you want. Should I mention that all this can be done in Alter-ego (assuming you have Honorary Avenger attached to She-Hulk)... oh yeah. If you have Mighty Avengers in play, that's 2 ATK & 3 THW.


I played a 2-player game with this deck a while back vs. the Hood with the other player as Hawkeye. I was the thwarted and I thwarted like a champ while also dealing strong damage. It was a blast to have Hellcat bouncing back and forth doing crazy combos. This deck allowed me to utilize She-Hulk's tendency to flip forms and really put a huge impact. Hope you all like it!