Thwarting all day, all night

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

ChocoboBai · 961

This deck was built to deal with very threat-heavy scenarios in 2-player. The aim is to quickly remove threat from side schemes to stop scenarios going out of control. Venom has some nice tools in his cards to help with this, along with access to confuse.

The threat removal is focussed on events so that it does not require much set up. Using Overwatch with either Crisis Averted or For Justice! can quickly reduce the threat and number of schemes you have to deal with. It can also be used with One Way or Another to quickly remove the side scheme you brought out.

Venom has access to confuse from Behind Enemy Lines and Sonic Rifle, which gives you opportunity to switch to alter-ego mode. That allows you to take advantage of Venom's great healing, from his 4 recovery and Project Rebirth 2.0. Stuns from Venom's cards and Mockingbird help to avoid taking too much damage too quickly.

You should try to set up your weapons and upgrades when you have chance. Multi-Gun and Project Rebirth 2.0 should be prioritised. I tend to only play one Venom's Pistol, otherwise you will not have space for Sonic Rifle. Once you do have some upgrades out, you can deal decent amounts of damage on turns with Run and Gun.

I did try this in the Galaxies Most Wanted campaign, it worked pretty well. I feel that having an event heavy Justice deck is pretty much mandatory to get anywhere with it.

Here are a few of my notes after a playthrough. There are some extra weapon upgrades that you can buy in the market, which will work with Run and Gun. Infiltrate the Museum can still be tricky, you probably want to avoid using Overwatch there. One Way or Another should be used carefully, but it can be good. In scenarios with Galactic Artefacts, those side schemes are not too bad and give extra benefits when defeated. For Ronan, you can use it to get Superior Tactics out so that Ronan keeps the power stone (to avoid even more boost cards). You really want to avoid completing the first stage of the main plan in that case though. Even with all of this (and not putting Kree Supremacy into play), Ronan is still super difficult though.