Ironheart's Iterative Justice

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Telcontar · 482

This is a straightforward justice deck which is heavy on mental resources to fuel Ironheart's upgrades. Early on you'll be flipping a fair amount to get the progress counters in place, so use Meditation to get vital upgrades in place - Helicarrier, Ronnie Williams, Photon Blasters and Propulsion Jets. The latter give you survivability and keep the enemy in check in Ironheart's vulnerable first iteration.

Lay Down the Law and Clear the Area bring the thwart early on, followed by Yaw and Roll once you hit Version 2 with its aerial trait. Turn the Tide is a natural choice for any thwarting deck.

A standard stable of cheaper Justice allies plus the new Justice Wasp rounds out the deck. For solo play you could swap in One Way or Another. Brains Over Brawn is also a great choice for the end game. For tougher scenarios you could also swap in Crisis Averted which would be easily affordable in Version 3. Multitasking is a viable alternative to Lay Down the Law.