Turbo Iron Man

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

videx92 · 2

I built and tuned this deck to do 1 main job, flipping to iron man with at least a hand size of 6 as fast as possible and I think I finally got it nailed down by consistently flipping by turn 2.

This is a protection deck but not like the normal convention of protection. Protection just happens to be the aspect with the most tech in it which is why you max our Energy Barrier and Electrostatic Armor giving you 11 pieces of tech total including his own suit. But it doesn't mean he can't protect between Energy Desperate Defense you really can soak up some hits.

Meditation is actually clutch in the deck, since you're not flipping turn 1 opening with it just allows getting out almost everything from your deck for free. And late game when you don't need it anymore it's an intelligence resource to let you go aerial with Rocket Boots.

All in all the deck is a Swiss army knife of what you wanna do. With Ever Vigilant you can thwart up to 8 threat in a single turn. Your main damage is going to come from Repulsor Blast, flipping back to Tony doesn't hurt so much when you're getting back Energy Barrier and using Med Team to fill in gaps for when you or teammates need just that edge to heal.