Spider-Man - Flippin tough (Project Post-con) [J]

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Michaelangelo · 3981

This deck is part of Project Post-con: building a ready to use deck for each existing hero, just using the available card copies of buying each pack once. This does not only enable fast pick-and-play, but it also makes each deck feel unique, as not everyone is using the same powerhouse cards. Each deck is intended to be fun and usable in expert mode, but none will be the absolute strongest possible due to the card limitations. Looking for other decks? Search for the Post-con tag.

Project Post-Con build: V2.0

New deck, hero did not exist in Project Post-Con build V1.0

Teenage boy by day, venom shooting spider by night, miles is a great new addition to the web-warriors crew. with easy access to all three status tokens, he can be a real monster. Even against stalwart villains, his regular toughness and easy access to alter-ego makes him a spider to be reckoned with.


Miles works a lot on specific resources in his base cards, thus the addition of the wild resources on Determination and The Power of Justice can always come in handy. The latter also allows for a slightly more expensive justice deck. Besides this, as usually, the three basic resources are included.


Miles relies less on allies in general, but they are always useful:

  • Ghost-Spider synergises well with his need for recycling his own hero cards.
  • Spider-Man is a must-have for any web-warrior with decent stats as it allows for consistent re-readies. another good reason to include those wild resources in the resource section.
  • Spider-Woman finally works well with his ability to confuse, making her often a 2-cost ally.


  • Defense Mechanism and Power Within are great cards to consistently get your specials of when needed and often are prime targets for your alter-ego ability. 2ER is really cheap, especially for the confuse and tough combo
  • Web-Shooter is great to pay the kicker on your hero cards. It does go away with uses, but do not hesitate to use the resources: each time you play this card again, is a net resource gain of 1.
  • Sonic Rifle is there to use on the off turns when you can't get your ability out, to ensure you can still flip to alter-ego for all its benefits. In other scenarios it greatly facilitates getting a confuse status card on for full use of Arachnobatics, making sure you only need to focus on stun with your other cards.
  • Heroic Intuition is a good inclusion for any justice hero. The fact that Spider-Man can re-ready you, as well as your Double Life, just gives additional milage to this card.
  • Under Surveillance is great in any justice deck, taking a lot of the pressure off in lower threshold main schemes. This allows more alter-ego time, especially against stalwart villains.
  • Plan B and Followed are good cards to get some more damage of in a justice build.


  • Ganke Lee is one of your prime targets to mulligan, as the additional card draw at only 2-cost will pay off very soon due to Miles flipping a lot. Avengers Mansion has the same goal, be it at a slightly higher cost. Both allow you to Dra into your hero cards more consistently.
  • Jefferson Davis often will not make a major impact, but at his cheap cost is good to get onto the board nonetheless, as 1 threat can sometimes help a lot in the numbers and if not, it at least thins out your deck for your events.
  • Interrogation Room is decent as this deck can get a lot of low damage out to slay minions and again helps stay on the board to draw your hero cards more.
  • Vigilante Training is mainly there for the stalwart scenarios to get more access to your yellow cards instead of hero cards.


Your hero events will be the best option in your hand in most scenarios, most requiring specific resources, so all those wilds in your Web-Shooter and resource cards will help:

  • Double Life is great to allow more flips and more readies. This is likely your best target to reshuffle in stalwart scenarios.
  • Swing In is amazingly resource efficient with threat removal, confuse and tough. Even in stalwart, the tough and threat removal are worth the cost.
  • Web-Shot is again amazing efficiency, coming in slightly below Swing In. And don't forget, the venom blast does not need to go on the same target, ensuring a lot of board management.
  • Arachnobatics finally is your big attack to finish (at again an amazing cost) or to get more out of your statuses in steady scenarios.

In conclusion, your status tokens will get a lot more table time while you try to balance your personal and hero life with Miles. Can there ever be too many Spider-men?


Aug 30, 2022 jomurph86 · 1

LOVE this series of decks. If you find the time and energy to complete it through the four spider heros, I'll be beyond excited! (But if not, thank you for sharing all the work you've done!)

Jul 02, 2023 morscordis · 1

I agree here. I'm trying to find a way to balance the new spider heroes together as they all see to want/need the same allies. SP//DR and Gwen are pretty separate for me, but I'm having a hard time balancing miles and porker together. I'd also love to see an updated spider woman and Peter Parker build.