SCL 1001 - Poor Gobby didn't see it coming

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

josseroo · 696

Gameplay (7 turn win):

This deck is for Solo Champions League Season 10, Round 1

  • Risky Business + A Mess of things (02/26/22-3/12/22)
  • Difficulty: Standard or Standard II
  • Hero: Wasp
  • Aspect: Aggression, Justice, Leadership, Protection, or All Basic

The fact that Norman Osborne adds Infamy Counters instead of attacking means that if you leave him along, all you have to deal with each turn is an encounter card while you build up a big combo and then flip him, advance him and defeat him all in the same turn.

Gobby numbers

  • Gobby 1 and 2 have 14 and 18 HP respectively, so you need to clear 32 HP plus however many Infamy Counters there are plus threat on the main scheme if you want to end with a clean board.
  • If you isolate the effects of Avengers Assemble! and Mighty Avengers from all of their ATT/THW stats, each character will get +1 from Mighty Avengers on their first activation and +2 from Mighty Avengers and Avengers Assemble! on their second activation. If you have N allies, this means these cards will result in 3x(N+1) damage/thwarting based on the width of your ally swarm
  • Because you need to use a minimum of two activations to clear the threat and infamy counters and you have to do damage in two bursts to clear the two stage of Gobby, the following numbers assume you can distribute the damage/thwarting in the exact same packets needed
  • If you have 4 allies on the board, your ally + Wasp stats on the board need to be half of 17 + Threat + Infamy Counters + minion HP. Goliath would have to be in the mix to make it work at this ally count.
  • If you have 5 allies on the board, your ally + Wasp stats on the board need to be half of 14 + Threat + Infamy Counters + minion HP. As long as the threat and Infamy Counter are both at 2 or below, you can do this with any combination of the allies available.
  • If you have 6 allies on the board, your ally + Wasp stats on the board need to be half of 11 + Threat + Infamy Counters + minion HP. No problem!


Deck-building thoughts

  • Cap is high-value later, but is terrible early and you can't snag him for value with Make the Call. Perhaps Kaluu or Ant-Man would be better replacements. War Machine is also a good option that straight-up replaces Cap with the same utility, but can always be played with a hand size of 5