She-Hulk | Blue cRush

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

JWalton77 · 1308

Do You Even Play She-Hulk, bro??

I certainly haven’t for a long time, but a discussion on discord prompted me to get her out and onto the table. And I’m glad I did! This is a really fun and straightforward beat down deck that flips every turn to get the most out of “Do You Even Lift?”, protect Jennifer’s health, and draw more cards. It’s technically a rush deck in the sense that you are focusing as much attention as possible on dealing damage to the villain quickly, but it’s not red so you’re going to have to manage the board to some degree. Which for my play style is the closest to rush I really want to get.

Key concepts

The number one thing this deck wants to do is punch hard punch fast no mercy sir. One-Two Punch and Earth's Mightiest Heroes are there to ready She-Hulk as often as possible.

Superhuman Strength is nice when available, and Adrenaline Rush is also good, but try to save those for when you’re going to get at least a couple of punches in. You can also boost her attack with Moxie when flipping to hero form.

Flip every single turn, and ignore threat as much as you can get away with. The goal is to defeat the villain before ultimately scheming out, but you’re just trying to slow it down long enough to win.

You can use I Object to reduce the amount of threat added during your alter-ego turns, and if you really need it there is also Superhuman Law Division. A Moxie’d She-Hulk could also thwart in an emergency or to remove a particularly annoying side scheme.

The allies are there first and foremost as targets for Earth's Mightiest Heroes. You could also thwart with them and block with them as necessary. But try to always have at least one available to use for a ready.

Kaluu helps find key events, and he’s the one you want to block with whenever possible. Get him into the discard pile so you can replay him with Make the Call. And I pretty much always use Assess the Situation with 4 hand size heroes.

Happy punching!