Quicksilver Solo Aggression

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

SilverFox · 19

This deck is focused around taking advantage of Always Be Running by buffing attacks/thwarts. It's very upgrade heavy so that after the first run through the deck, you will mostly be left with his event cards in order to make for big combos.

Since Bug pairs really well with Quicksilver, I added a copy of Boot Camp and Sidearm in order to buff him to 3 attack. Brawn also benefits quite a bit from Boot Camp due to how many times he can attack as well.

General gameplay tips: Focus on getting out important upgrades like Friction Resistance, Accelerated Reflex, Hyper Perception, and Reinforced Sinew quickly. Mulligan to try to get those cards if you don't start with any in your hand. If you get the option to play Bug make sure to do it and try not to block with him unless you have to. Use allies like Ironheart and Mockingbird to absorb bigger hits when needed. Once you have built up some upgrades, use any copies of Adrenaline Rush you have if you can pull off Maximum Velocity and Always Be Running in the same hand. Jarnbjorn pairs really nicely with Friction Resistance as well once you have them both out.