Spider-Woman - Aggressive Deck Cycling

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

WafflingManatee · 1

In order to maximize Spider-Woman's Superhuman Agility trait, we want to maximize the odds of being able to play 3 or 4 different aspects in a single turn. This decklist increases those odds by using most of its card slots on cards that can stay on the field -- this makes subsequent shuffles of your deck much thinner, and increases the odds of drawing into 3-4 different aspects. Card draw/selection with Jessica Drew's Apartment, Skilled Investigator, Captain Marvel, White Tiger, and One Way or Another also help ensure fast cycling of the deck.

The cost curve is also very aggressive, using almost exclusively 0-2 cost cards, with a lot of options for getting cards out cheaper (Team-Building Exercise, Deft Focus, Quincarrier, Finesse). You should almost never be playing 3+ for a single card, unless you really have no other options. Captain Marvel in particular is rough since she doesn't even count as an aspect card; try to save Quinjet for her if possible.

For opening hands, try to shoot for getting two of any of the following cards down ASAP: Jessica Drew's Apartment, Quinjet, Team-Building Exercise, Deft Focus, Quincarrier, Finesse, Skilled Investigator. Obviously there's a lot of luck here, but don't be afraid to mulligan aggressively -- having a couple of these down early can help you stay on strategy for the rest of the game.

Play notes: I've used this deck to easily clear an expert Rise of Red Skull two-player campaign, with minimal tweaks in between rounds.