[Outdated] One Gun or Another

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

VillainTheory · 27842

If the name didn't make it obvious? This deck is all about using One Way or Another for that sweet, sweet card draw. And shooting baddies.

War Machine's hero cards have little interaction with any of the aspect or basic cards - but they have strong standalone effects. We want those effects. The goal here is to use the aspect and basic cards to cycle the deck to keep using those high value hero cards.

The overall strategy is simple. Keep the scheme under control with your allies + aspect cards + Targeted Strike and rely on your other hero cards to lay waste to your enemies. Find those cards with One Way or Another - make sure to have enough resources to clear the side-scheme you choose in one turn. Managing your ammo counters and when to flip to Alter-Ego are the keys to success.

Run out of ammo? Cover your flip down to Alter-Ego with confuse from Sonic Rifle - keep in mind that Iron Man can help you find this as can Two Against the World. If you can, try to keep Iron Man alive as long as possible in case you draw Two Against the World. Once you've used it feel free to let him block a villain attack and prepare to use him in the next pass of your deck.

Endurance beefs up our wimpy hit points, Down Time lets us get them back, and our need to refill ammo + Upgraded Chassis makes going Alter-Ego particularly valuable. Don't be afraid to take a couple hits, try to pace your need to heal with your ammo so you maximize the value of each Alter-Ego flip.

We don't invest into War Machine's limp 1 THW. Defend with him, and when you don't need to? Attack. But our hero's power here comes mostly from his events and upgrades as opposed to his basic stats.

Our allies are pretty straight forward! Most of the usual friends are here. Nick Fury should mostly be used for card draw. Spider-Man can thwart or attack on his first turn, whichever you need, but should attack on his second use unless you are in a real pickle with schemes.

If the villain has some Stalwart? You might consider swapping one or both Sonic Rifles for another For Justice! or even Counterintelligence to stop them completing their main scheme. Something to deal with the consequences of flipping Alter-Ego.

Good luck! If you use this deck, please let me know how it goes for you against different villains - any and all feedback very welcome. I'd love to hear from you.