Captain America and (a Rotating Cast of) Friends

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Cuacuani · 51

A nice and simple Captain America Leadership deck. All of the allies (except Goliath) have effects that fire when they enter play. The plan is to play them, get them to leave play and then bring them back again.

Last Stand is a good way to get value out of an ally you're actively trying to get rid of so you can get it to re-enter play. Get Ready works nicely to get extra uses and extra consequential damage onto an ally. There's always the perennial favourite trick of throwing your allies in front of an enemy attack, too.

Goliath is in here because he works well with Last Stand and recurring him is a nice bonus.

No need for things like Avengers Tower or The Triskelion because we're not just using Avengers and also we're not trying to keep our allies sticking around. Remember - your friends are disposable and you can always get them back of the bin.

No Ironheart because sadly her effect doesn't work with Make the Call or Rapid Response.

(42 cards because I'm a monster.)