Doctor Strange - up all night

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Scotobot · 156

Designed to keep Doctor Strange readying and readying to use those delicious invocations.

As with most Strange decks, prioritize getting his excellent hero cards up, The Eye of Agamotto and Cloak of Levitation as well as The Sorcerer Supreme.

With the Cloak, you will always have the aerial trait, which means Ever Vigilant will be easier to play, helping with thwart and readying you to use a strong basic action or another invocation.

The other engine is to get the allies down. Blade should really never be used and just sits there to be used with Earth's Mightiest Heroes. Same idea with Brother Voodoo, though he is more expendable to get cycled to use his 'when played' power.

With the these readies, I added Quincarrier and Helicarrier to help cover costs of multiple invocation spells.

Assess the Situation and Spiritual Meditation help filter through the deck to find you the cards you need. Assess also can lead to bigger hand for turns to give more resources to play a big turn.

Little lean on protection and allies, so might be better with another player who can help with that.


Sep 28, 2021 Akemi31 · 1

What are the Team-building exercise for ? You can use it only to reduce the cost of three cards in your deck... :/

Oct 18, 2021 Scotobot · 156

Probably could find a better replacement for that. While it only works on the allies, you want to be able to make sure you get them into play for Earth's Mightiest Heroes. Plus it'd one more card on the table and not in your deck.