About traps and heroes

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Swarley · 34

Black Widow's deck focused on setting allies and preparations on the field. You'll have a lot of resource generators to make allies, events and preparations cost for free.

Although you might think deck can be slow, due to low cost on generators and preparations, you just need 1 or 2 turns to set up your table and start getting all the value you need to control and win the game. I had games where I could set turn 1:

You can get 3 generators in turn 1. You can't deal dmg but once turn 2 reach, the value you receive is too strong.

Once you get generators, you focus your game on the DPS. Playing Hulk or Winter Soldier for 0 (almost anything you play reduces Winter Soldier cost), Nick Fury just for 1-2 resources become powerplays. Team-Building Exercise become any Spy, S.H.I.E.L.D or Avenger card 1 cheaper (this includes Avengers Mansion, Avengers Tower, Helicarrier and Quincarrier). Thanks to Boot Camp any ally you play hits 1 more (Hulk 4 dmg, Brawn 2 dmg and 1 threat, She-Hulk from 2 to 5, etc.).

While I was playing Black Widow before I found that I wasn't playing Covert Ops in most of my games, never found a spot to spend 3 resources to get some air and clean the threat. However, with all those cheap cards I started using that and I realized that was an important card in the deck which let me swap easily to alter-ego and heal, get value from Mission Prep and using Safe House #29. In case you need some more control, you get Into the Fray which lets you kill almost every minion and clean threat and your best friend Mockingbird to also stun the villain.

There are probably some interesting improves (I still don't own anything about Guardian packs), so any ideas would be appreciated.

If you reached this point, thanks for reading and hope you enjoy the deck if you try it.


Feb 21, 2022 biodude · 295

I like the focus on allies even in aggression, which gives Black Widow more room to play her Preparation cards.

Small correction: Team-Building Exercise is a Hero Action to trigger, and says "... shares a trait with your hero ..." (not your identity, so unfortunately it can't be used to make S.H.I.E.L.D. cards cheaper in Alter-Ego form. :( I originally thought this card would be much more useful with Black Widow, considering the number of S.H.I.E.L.D. cards available, until I realized this limitation. Still useful for Avengers and Spy allies, though, which covers all the allies in this deck except Brawn. But no, you would not be able to use Team-Building Exercise to reduce the cost of Helicarrier in this deck. :(