Spider-Woman the Guardian

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

wehehe · 136

This is just a crazy idea that came yesterday into my mind. Not sure if this would be a good deck or just a stupid idea, but I publish to see if it evolves into something interesting.

My main idea is to use Jessica Drew ability, to know which is the first card of the encounter deck, and with that, you can attack with Cosmo denying all consequential Damage. As Enraged increases it, you can benefit from it in Cosmo without any harm.

Also, as cosmo has the Guardian trait, he can bear a Laser Blaster (An enraged dog with a Blaster, I don't want to face him...) Also he can benefit from Boot Camp and Inspired, allowing you to attack for 6 each round without taking any consequential damage.

If you can ready him with Inspiring Presence ... well, just heal it and repeat (just keep your his responsefor the second activation so it will finish undamaged).

Tigra, Bug and Yondu are there just to have more allies which can be healed or take some actions without consequential damage.

The rest of the deck is filled with low cost cards, to be able to maximize Spider-Woman ability. Not sure of how it will work, but I think it could be a fun deck to play.