Cards with options are always good in the right hands and in the correct decks.
The "basic" application of this card is a 3-cost ally with 2 atk and thw and 3 health, which is respectable. 4 points of production and a chump block is actually quite good when it can be applied either to threat or for damage and could be included for this in a deck without any other upsides.
But then you can stretch this out. There are LOTS of turns where cards can be left hanging in your hand as costs just don't line up even in the best of decks. So using two resources for 2 production isn't a bad trade off, but it doesn't end there.
As Slingshot pops back into your hand after you draw, this is now an extra card/resource for the next turn. So in all reality you only paid one resource for that extra production and have a beefier hand which allows you more options, even if you just then throw her as a resource for another card or to clear an attachment next turn.
If we are then looking at multiplayer, there are plenty of situations where the production improves. Boot Camp can be anywhere on the table and give that extra damage. Whoever has a Get Ready can be the target as there will plenty of HP to abuse and still pop back into the owner's hand. And if clearing something like a side scheme which will cause an attack is of a high priority, unless you can't block with allies, she can bail you out as a cheap option to take that hit that is what you are down to.
In most situations she is likely going to be a turn after turn pop down to the battle for that one energy and keep going, but with a wide variety of useful options, this is likely to become a staple Ally card outside of decks that are looking for all their allies to share traits that she doesn't have or decks are needing boat loads of a resource that isn't energy.