Cost: 1.


Held - Aktion: Erschöpfe einen X-Force-Charakter und einen X-Men-Charakter → besiege einen Nicht-Elite-Schergen.

"Da hast du dir echt die falschen Mutanten am falschen Tag ausgesucht!"—Cyclops
Nightcrawler #31.
No image

This card feels atrociously bad. For two effective resources AND a double exhaustion, you can remove a Minion, provided that Minion doesn't have the Elite keyword. This is just awful. Two characters exhausting could probably kill such a Minion just by attacking it. So the opportunity cost is... what? They don't each take Consequential Damage? At that point you might as well just run First Aid for the same price point and heal the same amount of damage.

To make matters worse this is an Aggression card and Aggression has better ways of dealing with Minions. I'd rather just smack it with Relentless Attack or Into The Fray and get a secondary benefit at the same time. And those cards don't require you to mix and match two different X-Team keyword traits.

This card is straight trash.

Soulfire · 38
It's not an attack so this could be used to get rid of a particularly annoying minion while stunned. It would also defeat a minion that has tough. Yeah you could just attack in a lot of cases, but I could see some cases where this would work. I like having corner case cards for different flavor, even if they aren't auto includes in every deck. — erikw1984 · 29
There are some fairly beefy minions in this game that aren't "elite". This card would be great for removing Furnax or Stryfe once he has his attachment. This has synergy with Wolverine as it allows him a turn to heal while still using his attack stat. There are several use cases for this card but you won't be playing it as a general minion slayer card. — TrueHiddenMist · 83
Update: Children of the Atom makes this more accessible, and allows all X-men or all X-force teams to count as both to satisfy other similar alliances (mutant mayhem, etc) — Melosh007 · 1