
Kosmisches Wesen.

Cost: 2.

Aktion: Mische diese Karte in das Begegnungsdeck (ohne hinzusehen).

Sobald aufgedeckt: Entferne 2 Bedrohung vom Hauptplan und entferne diese Karte aus dem Spiel. Dieser Effekt kann nicht aufgehoben werden.

The Mad Titan's Shadow #48.
Living Tribunal

Can it work if there is a crisis icon on a side scheme in play ? Or an enemy with the patrol keyword ?
I'm not sure if it's part of "this effect cannot be canceled". And if it's not, currently what could otherwise cancel the threat removal without the text on the card ?

AlexandreP · 39
I believe the Crisis icon only prevents "thwarting" the main scheme, not "removing threat from it". — OrionJA · 8
Crisis icons prevent 'removing threat from the main scheme' and, I believe, would prevent this from removing threat. The Patrol keyword, on the other hand, prevents "thwarting the main scheme" and would not interfere with this. I believe the "Cannot be cancelled" is there in case something like Cosmic Ward is in play. This isn't a treachery, so Cosmic Ward doesn't actually interact with it anyways, but players might miss that distinction. Other cards might exist in the future that cancel the effects of event cards being played, which this would be immune from. Currently, you could cancel the effects of encounter cards via Black Widow ally, but you'd obviously not trigger her ability. — AradonT · 25
"This effect cannot be canceled." is there because "remove this card from the game." — vidinufi · 1

Those cards aren't that great: it can pay off after 1 turn, 10 turns or never pay off in a game. You can draw it when there is no threat on the main scheme. Granted the value to cancel a boost or a card is like 3, but we can crack the counterspell when needed, not when it comes out of the deck. 2 is a steep cost for such a swingy mechanics.

batman · 29
It cancels either an encounter card or a boost card (in this case it's not even removed from the game! And shuffled back in) . For the cost of 2. That alone is a great benefit with a potential to reduce the scheme in case it's more than 0. — dimiav · 8
Honestly, it’s fun to play — MasterKitFisto · 2
All the Cosmic Entities are super-thematic to play. My gaming group love them. We house-ruled that the card effects for all Cosmic Entities are multiplied by the number of players, and distributed among the players in the case of card draws or healing. — underthewronghat · 41