Same cost as Agent 13, one more attack, if you are in Tiny form she has the same remove 2 thwart ability. Has the option of doing damage instead if in Giant form. She's just better in every way than an ally that I already considered very good in Cap's deck.
Nadia Van Dyne
Avenger. Fliegend.
Cost: 3.
Health: 3.
Attack: 2.
Thwart: 2.
Held Reaktion: Nachdem Wasp ins Spiel gekommen ist, füge einem Gegner 2 Schaden zu, falls du in der Riesig-Heldengestalt bist, oder entferne 2 Bedrohung von einem Plan, falls du in der Winzig-Heldengestalt bist.
Ramon Bachs
Ant-Man #2. Ant-Man #1.

- Wasp Wasp #1
- Wasp Wasp #1
- Wasp: Janet Van Dyne Wasp #12
- Wasp: Nadia Van Dyne Ironheart #34
Good point. To math it out, Wasp is 8 DMG or 8 THW for 3. Pretty solid.
· 11123
Now that the wasp Hero pack is out, are we able to play the Ant Man or Wasp ally cards when both hero decks are in play?
I can’t find a ruling on this anywhere, but it seems weird to include a mandatory card that can’t be played based on the limitation around unique card names.
You can't play Wasp (Nadia Van Dyne) when Wasp/Nadia Van Dyne is already in play. OTOH, Swarm Tactics comes much more reliable.
· 516
Correct. I just want to add that this case already exists as spiderwoman and captain marvel both have each other as allies too.
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· 11695