Spider-Man Thorns Protection

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

SC0E · 488

Play your damage thorns (Electrostatic Armor, Energy Barrier), Play your thwart thorns (Hard to Ignore), Be invincible, Profit.

Lots of credit to @dr00 - the original Spidey Protection guru.

This deck was forged in the hot furnace of solo GMW. Peter can handle non-Ronan content in solo expert mode, which is quite impressive for Protection, if you ask me. It is chiefly Hard to Ignore that makes this more true than it's ever been.

Take this for a spin if you want to experience the best that 1.4 Protection has to offer (Backflip and Sidestep can trigger your thorns effects), and if you enjoy a grindy control style. I have enjoyed this as it has some of the most unusual play patterns I've personally piloted in a long time. Be ready to experience unusually interactive villain phases.

This particular list is pretty tight, but you can season the exact ally suite and defense event suite to taste. Desperate Defense is great for scenarios that attack you often, and also scales very nicely into multiplayer, which is why I include it here. I suggest teching in beefier allies (Warlock, Luke Cage, Heimdall) and some burst thwart (Bait and Switch) for Collector 1 and 2, respectively.

This deck can be tricky, yet rewarding, to pilot. It requires a lot of familiarity with the villain phases of a given scenario and correctly deciding when to apply what sort of damage or effect mitigation. I'm here or on the community discord if you have any questions!