Avengers of the Galaxy- Star-Lord Leadership

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

BananaCrapshoot · 4793

hello champions!

this deck list idea I had talked about in an article shortly after Star-Lord was announced. well here’s the full list. it’s a blaze of glory 7 wide leadership deck.

the goal is to get as wide as possible and play blaze of glory, use your allies then duck to alter ego, so none of your allies or Star-lord take damage from blaze of glory.

the list is pretty straightforward, a bunch of avenger allies, blaze of glory, and stuff to go really wide, avengers tower is ridiculous value here. you could cut an ally or 2 to add a few more events if you wanted.

try it out and have fun!

you can make the call stinger but can’t play stinger from hand, just a note.

here’s the link to the article I had wrote previously-



May 14, 2021 StuWal19 · 1

This looks like a fun deck. I really like your idea with using mostly avenger allies and ducking to alter-ego. I will be using that.

I am not sure about your stinger work around. I still think you need that trait on your card to play her regardless of using make the call. Not a huge rules guy because this game can be difficult and people play at various difficulty levels but I think the stinger is a stretch

May 14, 2021 BananaCrapshoot · 4793

@StuWal19 it works. Make the call doesn’t play the ally it puts it into play which is the difference. I’m pretty up on the rules and it has been discussed previously.

May 14, 2021 StuWal19 · 1

@BananaCrapshoot I joined your wix... lots of good information on there. Can't say I have ever played DS with leadership (didn't seem fair)

About Stinger: when you play an ally like Maria hill with "make the call" you still take your card right or Falcon looking at the top cards? So I am not sure how you can ignore the cards printed information on Stinger after using make the call.

There is no mention on make the call about ignoring a cards printed information. Nor does stinger mention if you are playing this card from your "hand" you need to be an avenger. Granted all of this is pointless if someone else at the table makes you an honorary avenger....

May 14, 2021 StuWal19 · 1

I understand how you are highlighting the difference in the wording but tbh that's pretty thin. So with this logic I can put rocket and groot in any leadership Avenger build and make the call with them to be in play? I just don't see the creators making a loophole like that for leadership which is already OP aspect

May 14, 2021 StuWal19 · 1

@BananaCrapshoot not trying to pick a fight either. I use this forum to learn about the game and see what I am missing in my own interpretations. I look forward to seeing future content releases on your wix page.

May 14, 2021 BananaCrapshoot · 4793

@StuWal19yea you actually can put Groot and Rocket allies into any leadership deck and make the call them Into play. It’s the same way a leadership player can make the call out of aspect allies from other discard piles.

Maria Hill and Falcon trigger after they enter play, it’s not if they were played or but into play. That’s why recent heroes have had specific text about “after you play this ally from hand” so make the call shenanigans can’t be abused with them

May 14, 2021 dr00 · 43595

such a great deck. the star-lord leadership meta is here

May 15, 2021 John Cumberland · 697

@StuWal19Marvel Champions RRG 1.3 (page 13) "Play, Put Into Play" reads Playing a card involves paying the card’s cost and placing the card in the play area….Some abilities cause cards to be put into play. This bypasses the need to pay the card’s cost as well as any restrictions or prohibitions regarding playing that card.”

I believe Arkham Horror LCG has a similar distinction between the two phrases, meaning “put into play” and “play” are functionally different from each other. MC is different in some respects but the idea for these phrases appears to be similar. When a card “puts into play” another card it is not “playing” that card. This is why Steve Rogers cannot get discounts if he uses Make the Call, he isn’t playing an ally. 

So, the “Play only if…” restriction on Stinger is bypassed if you use Make the Call to play her. As the rules say, “put into play… bypasses the need to pay the card’s cost as well as any restrictions or prohibitions regarding playing that card.” That seems like a pretty solid reasoning until we hear otherwise from the developers.

May 15, 2021 Mag · 12807

“Put into play” - Stinger, checks out.

Leadership wins again!

May 25, 2021 BananaCrapshoot · 4793

@dr00 thanks but I like yours better lol