Spider-Mans stunning Boot Camp

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

zachertz · 13

Spidermans stunning Boot Camp! This deck combines the +1 Attack for allies with ever lasting Black Cat, Tigra and Sentry. To feet Tigra - and keep her healthy - and to somewhat mitigate Spidermans lack of thwart well play Looking for Trouble. which combines well with Tigra and the Tracers. Second approach of this deck is Spidermans Stun ability , enhanced by Mockingbird and Dropkick, and Toe to Toe or Press the Advantage. And if dropkick/mockingbird or Webbed Up are to expensive you still can defend and get the Toe to Toe investement back with Spideys Spider sense.

As a finisher well use Swinging Webkick and Deft Focus