Why do you have such Big Hands, Kamala?

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

raumzeit77 · 1

This is an aggression Ms. Marvel deck that I built in order to beat all villains on Expert together with my brother. I played Kamala quite a lot with friends and on TTS, so same playtesting with other variations of this deck has already happened.

The main mechanic of this deck is killing minions with Jarnbjorn in order to fuel Hall of Heroes. A problem I encountered is the lack of resources in order to pay the cost of Jarnbjorn, but right now I want to refrain from another copy of Enhanced Physique.

Similar decks throw in Hercules, which of course synergizes well with the idea of engaging a lot of minions. I went for Lockjaw because the card provides another resource and is less expensive, also the THW 2 is a nice addition.

I will update the description with some hands-on experiences. Feel free to voice your thoughts!

Past plays: Expert Rhino with Legion of Hydra, together with Captain Marvel / Justice: No problems whatsoever, ran super smoothly

Expert Klaw with Running Interfence, together with Captain Marvel / Justice: No problems whatsoever, ran super smoothly

Expert Ultron with Enegry Drain together with Captain Marvel / Justice: Board state got flooded with drones which Captain Marvel was unable to remove. Energy Drain proved to be very challenging, as the encounter deck cycled really fast, generating a lot of acceleration tokens. We lost due to hp before doing much damage to stage III. Captain Marvel / Justice seems like a bad choice against Ultron.