Agent Anti-Venom: Non-Lethal Protector

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Designhacker · 559

The goal of this deck for Designhacker's Agent Anti-Venom hero pack is to try and take full advantage of the synergy provided by his kit.

He wants to stay at 10 HP all game, but also gets rewarded for fighting alone, and has potential for dealing significant retaliation damage.

You want to mulligan for Maniac Booster and Heroic Will, which will ensure that you can always ready after a defense, and deal retaliate damage. When you are able to get Dauntless, Electrostatic Armor, and Energy Barrier down, you'll be defending for 4 damage every villain phase!

Set up Indomitable and use desperate defense, perseverance, Nick Fury, and Ironheart to keep you ready and at full health while you are setting up you key upgrades.

Unlikely Allies: It's expensive, but once you have it down, at the cost of one card from hand you'll have a huge variety of powerful effects at your disposal. Venom will drain 2 from an enemy, healing you while damaging them. Black Cat will sneak in and thwart the villain's scheme, while Andi Benton will use the power of the Hell-Mark to draw 2 more cards for you. Don't sleep on this card--its versatility can win you games.

If you take too much damage, Night Nurse, Momentum Shift and Down Time can help you get back up to your threshold quickly.

By end game, you should be set up to the point where you can use desperate defense and indomitable to ready after defending, and leverage Heroic Will to hit with your basic attack twice.