Ant-Man - Justice in all sizes

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

neothechosen · 10124

This may come a little late as GMW is for sure the new attention grabber, yet because Justice had a serious dose of cool cards with the Scarlet Witch pack, it's still pretty compelling, and stronger than ever.

I felt for a change of pace and re-visited a character I haven't played as much: Ant-Man. Coupled with some of the more recent Justice cards, he's simply amazing. So far it beat every expert scenario hands down - like, wining on the first stage of every villain, free of threaths (only exception, Ultron was on 2nd stage). I still have Kang and the campaigns to play, but I'm pretty confident this will turn out well.


This is actually where the variety of the justice aspect really shines: you've got lots of different ways to thwart or prevent threaths, for every situation.

Ant-Man himself does have his "remove 1 threath" when you flip to tiny, and can then finish the job on side schemes with his own 2 THW. Yet you get few other options in his signature cards, so you'll need some help: Sense of Justice is real good here, paying for Clear the Area, Multitasking or Lay Down the Law. Even Hive Mind can benefit from it.

Because you often flip from one form to another, Lay Down the Law is actually very reliable here.

When you can clear all threaths, you've got a few nice options: draw with Clear the Area or Skilled Investigator, play Turn the Tide for some bonus DMG.

Of course, Counterintelligence and Concussive Blow have you covered when you need to recover.

The rest is pretty self-explanatory. The deck has a lot of draw, heal, options to confuse or stun the villain, and strong attacks (3 ATK, Army of Ants, Giant Stomp which is ridiculous against an army of Ultron Drones...).

Ant-Man's Helmet is, of course, a very high priority. Also, I'd say Army of Ants has grown on me and it's proven quite useful to have all three on the board.


Apr 06, 2021 EurytopicImp · 1

A very nice build, indeed. I was looking for some fresh ideas for Ant-Man. However, you won't be able to run Spycraft as you are not controlling a spy character.

Apr 06, 2021 neothechosen · 10124

In fact I usually fetch spycraft with Coulson, with him in play it works.

Apr 06, 2021 neothechosen · 10124

@EurytopicImp Also works if you have Fury or Mockingbird in play.

Apr 06, 2021 EurytopicImp · 1

@neothechosenYou are absolutely correct! I never even made that mental connection between Spycraft and allies that happen to be spies! I had narrow tunnel vision and just assumed it had to be the hero his/herself. Thank you for pointing that out to me. I look forward to trying out this build.

Apr 07, 2021 neothechosen · 10124

@EurytopicImp Not to worry! I thought the same about spycraft when it just came out. Have fun!