Bjorn Champions - a Multiplayer Ms. Marvel Aggression deck

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Bjorn Champions - v2.0 - a Multiplayer Ms. Marvel Aggression 1 1 0 2.0

Scorpion0x17 · 290

This deck was built for a 4-player Expert run through the Rise of Red Skull campaign, playing alongside Captain Marvel Leadership, Spider-Man Protection, and Ant-Man Justice decks.

The concepts that the deck were built around are partly thematic, and partly mechanical.

With 10 out of the 18 Event cards being resourced Attack events, the core mechanical idea is to recur those events, using Morphogenetics, and then use the event itself to pay for Jarnbjorn's response. Hall of Heroes then fits within this archetype, allowing Kamala, along with considered use of Bruno Carrelli and Aamir Khan, to build to big, powerful, late game turns.

And, the thematic core of the deck is the allies - all of which are Champion traited.

Early game strategy is to primarily focus on building board state, using Teen Spirit to fetch those key Ms. Marvel supports and upgrades. And an early Team-Building Exercise can really help with the deck economy, because the allies will help you manage both your health and main scheme threat, as you want to be flipping between Kamala and Ms. Marvel as often as possible.

Mid game, and to some extent during early game, you want to building for the end game. Getting Martial Prowess out at this stage can be clutch, but don't hesitate to use to power Jarnbjorn if you need to. You should also be increasing your use of the Thwart and Attack events, to manage the board state.

Late game is where this deck really shines. With the right cards under Bruno (Drop Kick and Press the Advantage, for example), and some card draw from Hall of Heroes, you can pull off large damage-focussed rounds to finish out the game.

The deck has performed extremely well through the first 3 scenarios of the campaign, but I will be changing it up a little for Zola.