Thor - Justice Solo Expert 2.0

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Remedy · 3836

Pre-BW Pack

A slightly refined edition of a Thor Justice from the previous version.

For discord discussion.


Mar 27, 2020 varagghoul · 1

hi friend...instead of Concussive Blow maybe you would like to consider the new card from the Black Widow set when it is available (the card reads "Deal 4 damage to an enemy. If that enemy is defeated by this attack, remove 2 threat from a scheme)..the cost of the card is 3 resources and it gives a mental resource

Mar 27, 2020 varagghoul · 1

Personally i would also cut the 3 Haymakers (since the 5 attack cards of Thor plus the 2 new cards (Stealth Strike) from Black Widow are more than its place i would add 2 Surveillance Team and Heimdall who combos extremely well with Defender of the Nine Realms (you see the 3 cards in the encounter deck, you discard one and you put the other 2 back in any order)...Surveillance team offers energy resources and Heimdall mental resource...i know Heimdall is expensive but he also has the Asgard keyword plus 3 Attack, 2 Thwart and 4 life...excellent stats