Wasp has the Power (Aggression sharable deck with Hulk)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

IceHot · 40

I like to build decks i can share with 2 Heroes (+/- 1 or 2 cards)...

On solo Expert this deck has a 75% win rate for Wasp and 45% win rate for Hulk.

Resources: This deck solves the resources problem with 7 double resources that can be banked easily with Quincarrier, Av Mansion, and Enhanced Physique.

Allies: The deck can always spit out allies . With Lockjaw you can thwart (discard), play again and Thwart again and then block. You can use Tigra for heavy minion decks or Iron Heart and Mockingbird if avoiding attacks are more critical.

Thwart: There is a lot of thwart management in this deck including Ant-Man, Miles, Rapid Growth, Giant Help, and Lockjaw,

Best Form: I find myself almost always in Giant Form, not worried about the one or two extra damage from Tiny form. The 5 hand-size with a big-butt defense of 3 and big thwart and potential retaliate make up for it. As such I rarely play the Bio-Synth Wings.

Multi-player: With the Giant healing from Pym Particles you can pretty much stay in Giant Form for most of the game.

End Game: Wasp already has the tools to close out the game between Wasp Sting and Pinpoint Strike. You merely need to get to the end game.