Ant-Man confuses, looks for a stunner to pair with

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Devo · 1

I am exploring ways of winning at Heroic without using Doctor "OP" Strange. This deck is designed to be played in tandem with a stun deck, like Cap's Stun Lock. The strategy is 2 part.

  1. 1st deck to be in hero form while the other is in alter-ego. The decks might or might not switch every turn.
  2. stun and confuse the villain every turn. hence the villain does nothing. It's all down to encounter cards at that point.

The strategy is overkill for expert, but at Heroic it is not. On a side note I have starter playing a Heroic variant that I call Heroic standard. Just play at standard level, add an extra encounter card per deck. It's way harder than expert, but has a slower build than full heroic. Getting rid of the expert cards and some setup when revealed effects makes a noticeable difference.
