Solo Champions League S4 R1

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

ToneeTales · 5222

The match-up Villain: Crossbones Difficulty: Normal Modular Sets: Experimental Weapons, Weapons Master, Legions of Hydra, and Bomb Scare

Goal: Defeat Crossbones in 3-6 turns with a relatively clean board

The Strategy of the Deck

  1. Mulligan for strong allies or Hulk Smash, the first turn is your only turn with a 5 card hand. (Unless Inner Demons shows up)
  2. Ignore upgrades/supports/ramp cards. Hulk can't waste his limited cards and resources on ramp in such a short game.
  3. Prioritize allies and leave allies on the board with more than 1 HP when possible, especially on stage one when Crossbones isn't hitting hard. Plus Hulk can take a hit or two. This will allow for maximum threat removal/damage.
  4. Hulk Smash. 25 of the 40 cards include the fist symbol which will help pay for Hulk's damaging cards.

Surprising Star Card Ant-man is great in this deck/match-up because of his versatility. Hulk's engraged ability, limited handsize, resource-limited cards, and lack of thwarting means he will find himself in a lot of awkward situations. Ant-man can get him out of those situations: he can be brought in a blocker for 1-cost, played from the discard for a thwart and a block, or if no better cards were drawn, he can be played as a beefy boy.

Drop Worthy Power of Leadership