Captain America Safety First

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

+6hitpoints · 37 got hit, didn’t you? The villain made a nasty attack and you took damage. It happens to the best of us, but it doesn’t have to. got a treachery card. The villain schemed or made an additional attack. It happens to the best of us, but it doesn’t have to.

So... what’s my point? The point is I think I’ve got a deck to solve those problems. Introducing “Captain America Safety First”.

How does it work? This deck is designed to keep the player safe from as many threats as possible. Those threats often take the form of encounter cards (treacheries) and big villain attacks. But you don’t have to worry anymore and here’s why. The villain will pretty much always be stunned and you will have ways of canceling all those nasty treacheries.

What cards are important? Good question. Let’s start with Tackle. This card will save your life. It enables you to not only stun the villain but with an resource you can hit him for three damage. Next up is Heroic Strike. Dealing six damage and being able to stun the villain with a is a pretty good deal. Iron Fist comes out to play being able to attack and stun as well. Noticing a trend. You’re stunning the villain at a very good rate, and still dealing damage. But that’s only half of the deck. The other half focuses on safety from the villains deck. Treachery cards are awful. Not a single player likes them. But I’ve got a solution. Introducing Black Widow. A three cost ally that has the ability to cancel treachery cards. So long as you feed her a . Keep her going my healing her with First Aid and Med Team as well as keeping her hit point value high with Honorary Avenger. If you can’t play out her then don’t fear because you still have three copies of Get Behind Me! which will do the same thing. However the villain will attack you. But isn’t it great to have the villain attack you but find out he’s stunned. Or better yet find the perfect Shield Block in hand. If you were observant you would have noticed that a lot of these cards need specific resources to work: and . Don’t worry though. You’ll find the deck is split fairly evenly between those two resources. Not to mention Super-Soldier Serum will help get you one of those.

If all else fails and you find you can’t stun the villain then be prepared to defend which is why a few Counter-Punch cards will be in there.

Hope you enjoy this deck. Let me know how it works for you.