Iron Man - Self-Involved (Decked Halls 2020)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Actually "iron" man 2 1 0 1.0

KennedyHawk · 17355

This holiday season KennedyHawk returns to his Decked Halls series and brings each hero a gift with a new deck built using his least used aspect for each hero. For the next 13 days this miniseries will provide a short deck overview of a deck Kennedy is enjoying this winter season. Whatever holiday you celebrate we hope it brings you joy and look forward to an amazing 2021. Today's deck is all about buffing up Iron man and rushing out tech upgrades -but not with Protection. Iron Man follows She-Hulks suit and is a bit self-involved.

Audiocast about this deck:


Dec 14, 2020 amustoe · 25

The thought of the new ally tech upgrades counting for Iron Man would have never occured to me. Brilliant! Love the pod keep up the great work

Dec 16, 2020 Dougnut-Lord86 · 1

I have only recently discovered your podcast and i'm quickly catching up! Been playing MC from launch and your card breakdown/analysis and deck building strategy is brilliant. It's changed the way I have approached some decks (namely my Capt Marvel justice deck that i'm currently using for Rise of Red Skull). Deck the Halls series is epic, keep up the great content!!

Dec 22, 2020 KennedyHawk · 17355

@Dougnut-Lord86 Thanks for the kind words. Glad you are having success in your campaign!

@amustoe Yeah it escaped me for a while too!

Jan 16, 2021 Iskander4000 · 4

Is the Triskelion included just its lightning resource, since Stinger doesn't count against the ally limit?