Ant-Man Aggression - Big dude packs a helluva punch!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Designhacker · 559

This deck is focused around having 2 cards on the table: Wrist Gauntlets, and Jarnbjorn. I beat Expert Mutagen formula on the second try (first try had a very unfortunate opening villain phase with Advance and Shadow of the Past!).

The goal is to maximize Ant-Man’s damage or stun output whenever he goes giant. With an optimal hand and tableau in this deck, you can have a basic attack that deals 15 damage.

Since the goal is to get Wrist Gauntlets and Jarnbjorn on the table asap, we have a heavy focus on physical resources, so that you can use your Wrist Gauntlets to stun the villain as often as possible.


You want to Mulligan pretty aggressively for Wrist Gauntlets, Ant-Man’s Helmet, Jarnbjorn, preferably in that order.


The priority after you have those down is to get Quincarrier and Giant Strength on the table pretty quickly as well. The other really useful table cards (Combat Training, Team-Building Exercise, Martial Prowess, and Army of Ants) are all physical resources, so it’s ok to prioritize the other previously mentioned cards ahead of these, since you can use them to keep the villain stun-locked for a full cycle while you build your board state.


Your goal on any given turn is to keep the villain area as clear as possible by shifting between hero forms and capitalizing on the bonuses you gain from Ant-Man’s helmet, ensuring that you spend time in Giant form whenever possible so that you can stun the villain. There are enough physical resources in this deck that you should be able to use Quincarrier and one card to stun.

By end game, you should have a table full of ATK bonuses, tech items, and armies of ants, along with your cost reducers like TBE, MP, and QC. At this point, you should be pulling a drop kick or Giant Stomp every turn or two, and dealing huge damage.


Spending half your time in Giant form means you’ll be getting 4 card hands pretty often. That’s why Team-Building Exercise, Martial Prowess, and Quincarrier onto the board whenever you can will help your endgame. TBE and MP can both be spent to feed stuns while you build, but eventually you’ll want them on the board to help reduce the cost of Drop Kick and Giant Stomp, which you will want to be making liberal use of at end game.


Most of this deck has been cultivated around being able to ensure a stun with you Wrist Gauntlets as often as possible, but there are a few additions that don’t follow these guidelines: Battle Fury, Press the Advantage, and Swarm Tactics.

Battle Fury is fantastic when you’re in a minion-heavy scenario, because your constant flipping to Giant form (thanks, Helmet!) mitigates that damage, and it allows you to remove a pesky minion with your huge basic attack, and then ready so you can do it again to the villain.

I find 2 is enough to ensure I’ve got one up when I need it. If you aren’t in a minion heavy deck, swap those 2 out for the other 2 Press the Advantage, since you’ll be using your attacks directly against the villain, who should be stunned fairly often.

Swarm Tactics has really helped me in a pinch, especially against Mutagen Formula. If you find that you don’t like playing Wasp, or don’t use it very often, you can swap it out for another Press the Advantage.

Press the Advantage is great, but I’d rather be able to ready than draw a card, so Battle Fury and Swarm Tactics are in my core deck.