Ms. Marvel (Justice)- Lock Them Down

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

creeeeeeeeeed · 1

Upgrades and supports are your friend (like Endurance and Down Time, to ensure sure Ms. Marvel is in the fight longer and more often). Get them out as soon as possible and start cycling through your (now much smaller) deck.

Keep the villain’s scheme in check using For Justice! or Sneak By, and pair it with Shrink for some more oomph. Find your big thematic moments and hit the villain with all you’ve got with Big Hands or Concussive Blow. Use Ms. Marvel’s hero ability after using those events to keep the heat on, or flip back to Kamala Khan and get Aamir Khan to return that event to the bottom of your deck.

Since you can mitigate threat fairly easily with event cards (as well as giving Ms. Marvel some Heroic Intuition), you can use your allies to manage the minions the villain will send at you. Even though Daredevil and Jessica Jones are helpful for schemes, their attack value is nothing to scoff at. When they’re almost down and out, use First Aid prolong their assistance.