Race for the Pain, She-Hulk! [Aggression]

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Whipporwill · 1

So recently I was thinking of Keyforge and the racing decks of that game where the deck doesn't build a board, and races full out to win before a midrange or lock deck can set up. I wondered if it might be possible to build a deck that can do the same thing in Marvel Champions, reliably. I hadn't built a She-Hulk aggression deck for awhile and sat down to see what I could come up with. This Deck is the result.

The idea again is to not build a board in general. Run straight at the villain and hit them as hard as you can over and over until they go down, and do it faster than the clock can run out. So Far this has worked out well. I tested it against Expert Crossbones a number of times and it won 90% of all games within 2-4 turns. The biggest dangers tend to be single card main schemes, and an unexpected Advance.

As a general rule the cost curve in the deck is very low, so you should generally prioritize playing every card in hand, with special emphasis on doing dmg right now, or getting allies in play. Every ally in the deck, including her signature ally is an avenger, and with 3 One-Two Punch and 3 Earth's Mightiest Heroes she is going to average a minimum of 6 dmg every turn, 8 in turns she flips into She-Hulk, on top of whatever other cards you are able to play to increase the dmg that round.

"You'll Pay for That!" is in to give you an extra turn to close the the Villain out. There are times the unexpected Advance can come out, or you just HAVE to get rid of a side scheme, and that can be a good use, but in general you should mostly ignore any non-Guard minions, and any side schemes that come out and just hit as hard and as fast as you can.

I've recently been taking her through the Expert Rise of Red Skull Campaign, and am up through Taskmaster so far. Every game so far has been won on turn 4, and every one could have been won on turn 3, if I hadn't played a little less dmg in order to heal up for the next game. Zola, and especially Red Skull will probably provide a greater challenge to overcome than more standard encounters, but at least up to now this deck seems to be a nice change of pace from the Black Widow Inevitability lock decks I've been playing. I hope you enjoy.