Black Panther Aggressive Leadership

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Black Panther - Leading with Violence 7 6 0 1.0
Black Panther - Leading with Violence 18 13 0 2.0
Black Panther - Leading with Violence 10 7 0 3.0

925 Gamers · 191

So far I have been able to beat Rhino, Claw, and Ultron on expert with this deck. Still play testing and tweaking with the other Villains. The basic concept of this deck came while I was playing with spider woman. I was thinking man the leadership cards work really well with aggression allies. The issue I had was paying for those cards, and felt like I couldn't afford to pay for them on Jessicas salary. So I was thinking to myself, who do I know that is rich? Of course, my boy T'chala! Dude literally can have 8 double resources with 3 Vibranium, 3 Basic, and 2 power of aggression! That's a lot of money!

 So the baby was born! A leadership style Aggression deck! So we start off with avengers mansion, golden city, and quincarrier to support in resources generation. drawing 3 cards per turn is amazing draw power and helps you draw into those double resources!

 Upgrades are all the panther suit and a combat training for extra damage. Along with this we have the events. 5 wakanda forevers are great once you are set up. Along with those we have 3 skilled strikes which add an extra 2 damage so you don't feel so useless without wakanda forever in hand and no panther upgrades. Mean swing is crazy good with black panther since he has two weapons (panther claws/energy daggers) that you can exhaust for an extra 3 damage! They also are physical resources to help hulk hit more damage when he attacks.

 Allies are all great. My favorite thing about the aggression allies is that most of them have high HP.  They can thwart for 2 and attack for 2-3 damage each. Brawn attacks and thwarts at the same time and has 5 health! Hercules is good against high minion decks! Hulk is amazing! Lockjaw can be played from discard! Nick fury is nick fury! Sentry can attack and thwart and has 5 HP! Valkyrie can kill minions just by playing her and then can attack or thwart afterward! She hulk can thwart for 2 and eventual attack for 4! Spidergirl is cheap and hits hard and can paralyze and confuse elite minions! Shuri is cheap and can pull out those panther upgrades!

 Try this deck and let me know what you think! It's very good and feels very different to play than your normal aggression decks! It plays like a leadership deck but the allies are just so good!