Iron Man Foiled! (Wave 1 and 2 Only)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Kevix · 13

Note: This deck is only using cards from Wave 1 & 2.

The problem with Iron Man in Solo, especially on Expert difficulty, is that with some villains games start too fast and get out of control. Especially Zola, Klay, etc. So this deck is designed to give you enough time (2-ish turns) to set up, stay in alter-ego, and not be totally screwed when you finally flip up.

Using only Wave 1 & 2 cards there is just not enough tech upgrades so it’s really hard for Iron man to flip up in his first turn. Even if you play Protection with Energy Barrier in solo you just can’t turn face up Turn 1 and often not even Turn 2.

Sadly, justice doesn’t really solve the problem either as a lot of the best cards focus on removing threat once it’s already on (e.g. Clear the Area, Multitasking, For Justice!). In Solo, removing threat after you flip up is just too late. So we need a way to prevent threat from being put on in the first place. This is where Foiled! comes in. It is usable in alter-ego and prevents 1-3 threat (generally) for only one card as it is 0 resource cost. When used alongside Counterintelligence and Under Surveillance, you generally have just enough time to stay down through those first 2 turns and not be screwed. Also note that the Skilled Investigator can be swapped for another Counterintelligence for more threat prevention if needed as it is kind of superfluous.

Note: Foiled! is also a lightning resource so not totally dead late in the game when you are finishing things off with Repulsor Blast

Then you can pop up with 3-4 tech upgrades and use the next couple turns catching up on the board and once that’s done it’s easy to finish the game with Iron Man.


Jan 03, 2025 andyr · 9351

The fact that Foiled is just an Interrupt AND an resource is so awesome for Iron Man. Great deck! I also love how easy it is to upgrade as you add more waves. The core of this deck stands up well!

Jan 03, 2025 Kevix · 13

@andyr Thanks. I think this deck definately has potential to improve with more cards. Either Justice Tech cards or more card that prevent threat while in alter-ego are essentially what it needs. I haven’t spoiled myself with what is to come but I suspect there are other upgrades out there in subsequent waves!