Jubilee, Gimme Three Steps

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

scrabblehero · 15

I love playing 4 player, so I wanted to make a deck that focuses entirely on that theme. Three Steps Ahead does wonders for this deck, as combined with Jubilee's Coat, you can do a whopping 9 threat. Throw Overwatch into the mix, that becomes 15 (6 from three steps, 6 more from overwatch, and an additional 3 from the coat).

As far as mulligans go, it feels great to have Disguise in your opening hand, as you can finish Shopping Spree on your opening turn and have Jubilee's Coat out right then and there! Just be careful not to throw Shopping Spree in the graveyard! Your alter-ego ability, mall rat, only gets it from the deck! This is why we run Mutant Education. Not only are your resource and event cards incredible value, but you can shuffle Shopping Spree into your deck and immediately get it out again with mall rat!

Because I play 4p multiplayer, Even the Odds get's max value, and the odds of having multiple schemes are high, so it's an obvious include. Even if it doesn't target the main scheme, overwatch can be used to take 4 more threat off of the main scheme in addition to the side schemes.

While this deck isn't intended to be a confuse-heavy one, Jubilee has 4 confuse options in the form of her 3 copies of Flash of Light and Blinding Flash, so I included Cypher for some card draw value. I considered taking him out for an additional copy of Disguise just to increase my odds of getting it in the opening hand, but I'm going to see how the next few games go before making that change.


Jan 01, 2025 Caldias · 2950

Loooooove multiplayer decks, and I absolutely adore 3 steps ahead!

Jan 05, 2025 pursefunny · 1

I recently ran a similar deck. Jubilee is so good at getting the most out of the best thwarting cards