Pussy Technique

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Use The Claws 52 34 21 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

NewfieLad · 90

This is a less rushy version of Daring Lime's Use the Claws. Mainly, because I play multiplayer. So, There's usually more room to breath, but more damage that needs to be done. I think it could still work for solo, though. It focuses on Honed Technique + Full-Body Charge or Melee for lots of damage. The initial upgrade should be Panther Claws because two effective resources for four damage is good. The Claws can also be exhausted for Mean Swing. This deck has to use more mental resource cards for Honed Technique. There are 3 copies of Honed Technique, so you have a better chance at getting it first turn. Even after HT is out, the other copies are mental resources to help power it.