Rain's 42-card Protection Valkyrie Deck

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

RainYupa · 77

When I first got Valkyrie and saw her 4-Defense and 4-Attack potential, I realized right away that I wanted to play Protection with her for the sake of Counter Punch and Leading Blow. 4 ATK on a protection hero is amazing!

Even though it's a protection deck, it's very much aggression at heart. This deck likes to focus-fire the villain and doesn't worry as much about minion slaying as other Valkyrie lists would. As soon as you have the Sword or Spear, Death Glow goes straight onto the villain (unless you need to clear a few minions first). Once Death Glow is on the villain, it probably won't ever come off.

Taking advantage of her high hit point potential from Endurance and Aragorn, Dauntless and Electrostatic Armor seemed like good additions. With Armored Vest and the Spear, you should be able to defend against the villain's attack reliably and crack back with 2 damage. Then, with Dragonfang, Counter-Punch for 4 damage; that's potential 6 damage on the villain phase!

Once you have Honorary Avenger on Annabelle, you can use Earth's Mightiest Heroes on the next hero phase and swing for 4 more. Or, if not available, cash in an Indomitable to ready instead. When you swing with Leading Blow, you should always be guaranteed to do at least 1, so that's another ready!

When your hit points drop below Dauntless range, you can always flip down and heal for a big amount with Down Time. Next turn, you can probably flip back up and use Godlike Stamina to give yourself more health.

You will be doing very little in the way of threat removal but as long as you have a pal to take care of that, you can focus on the villain as the chooser of the slain and send them straight to Helheim!