Miles ahead of Norman

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

andyr · 10207

Player Type: Spike/Johnny
Main Player Counts: 1
Can Do: 1, 2
Key Cards: Avenger's Mansion, Sky-Destroyer

Miles Ahead of Ya

Miles is one of the best control characters. He has a good economy with Web Shooters, he can shuffle back in solutions to board problems, and he can limit activations through statuses. So use these assets to control Venom Goblin until you're ready to turn up the heat and burst him down.

Defense Mechanisms

Your best chances at surviving while setting up are through Spider Camouflage's toughs and allies. Using Defense Mechanism and Swing In help you always have a tough status. Once Venom Goblin is fully confused, change to alter ego, shuffle Defense Mechanism back in. Obviously shuffle back in other cards if you need to. When the Advanced Glider came out, I shuffled back in Web-Shot and used Double Life to shuffle in a second Web-Shot to make sure I could get the needed Attack events. I made sure to confuse him or thwart the 11 scheme down to zero to survive the double scheme.

Economy Plus

Don't sleep on the economy supports when you first draw them. Avengers Mansion and Government Liaison are powerful. The moment you draw them, they are worth while to sacrifice for in the long run. Web of Life and Destiny always helps bring in card draw. Web-Shooters are also nice. You'll definitely want them loaded up for the end game. Once you've survived the initial onslaught, gotten your key economy cards, you'll be able to start setting up for the flip and burn.

Build, Build, Build

Once you can get a steady stream of allies and statuses, start building your board. Get Sky-Destroyer down quickly. Use Monica Chang to get all 3 Surveillance Teams out. Bring out Plan B, and whittle VG's first Stage down to 1 or two health. The next step is up to you.

The Burn Down

You don't have to use the infamous OTK strategy for VG, but just know that revealing 4 encounter cards is a risk. Three of my 9 wins in testing came from not doing OTK. But I did lose once or twice from a bad set of encounter cards and a poorly timed shuffle. So, if you have Avengers Mansion, Web of Life and Destiny, two Web-Shooters out, Ghost-Spider and Spider-Man each with a couple of damage in standard or one damage in expert, just get two Web-Shots in hand and you're ready to finish it.

Use Ghost-Spider to knock Venom Goblin into his final phase, grab your third Web-Shot and draw a card for Web of Life and Destiny. Use Spider-Man to knock his tough off, then draw for him leaving play. You should have 8 cards in your hand with three of them a Web-Shot. Use one Web-Shooter and a card to pay for a Web-Shot. Do it again with the other Web-Shooter. If you have another energy resource in hand, play the third Web-Shot and win. Use Miles’ attack, Plan B, or Sky Destroyer for any leftover damage Hobie’s ability didn’t cover.

On average, it takes about 4 or 5 deck passes to win and 2 or 3 encounter deck passes. Be patient. The built out engine is important. A lot of my losses and previous test passes were because I got too impatient.

Minimalist Matchups

The goal is to create a series of decks meant to be accessible to players who don't have access to all of the content. It can be tough to find decks that feel strong and work in a limited collection. So this series will be heroes built to take on the toughest villains using only the Core Set, Villain's Campaign Box (if applicable), and Hero Pack (if applicable). This means each deck will only require 2 or 3 packs.

Recommend a Match-up? I'd love recommendations if anyone is struggling or curious about a match up. Fill out this form to send me suggestions.

Minimalist Matchup Decks:


Sep 19, 2024 boomguy · 2424

This is an awesome series, and I can't wait to see more!

Oct 04, 2024 andyr · 10207

Thanks! It's been a lot of fun to do. And a reminder of how much I really do like the core set of this game :D

Oct 05, 2024 Delewobmesid · 19

This is an awesome series.

Oct 09, 2024 andyr · 10207

Thanks, @Delewobmesid!

Nov 29, 2024 Goatzilla · 268

Man, Miles is such a control freak! This deck is almost boring to play. There was simply no action on the board. Expert Rhino and the sinister six were benched the whole game. They ended up walking to jail by themselves.

Nov 30, 2024 andyr · 10207

Agreed, @Goatzilla. He's so good at control. Thanks for checking out the deck!