An Eventful Day in Wakanda

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

MeanBabyHands · 21

An Eventful Day in Wakanda

- Control board with Allies / Wakanda Forever!
- 1st Deck Pass use Resources to play Black Panther Upgrades, The Golden City and Honed Technique.
- 2nd Pass use those same Resources to play Aggression events for big damage.
- Get a Confuse, go Alter-Ego, Draw +5 and go for a huge turn!

Defeated Expert Villians:
- Rhino, Klaw, Ultron
- Wrecking Crew
- Crossbones, Taskmaster, Red Skull
- Drang, Collector I, Collector II, Nebula
- Ebony Maw, Thanos
- Juggernaut
- Unus

As a Core Set hero, Black Panther on his own doesn't do too much. Alter-Ego you get a one time at the start of game find an Upgrade and then Hero side just gets a single keyword.

Looking into the rest of his kit, it all boils down to getting out his upgrades and triggering them with Wakanda Forever! which this deck very much still does as it helps keep the board in check and is a good way to keep your Hit Points above 0!

What this deck focuses on with the Aggression aspect, is the third main focus on Black Panther's kit, which is the three copies of the all mighty Vibranium. An in kit double resource, not only helps get the previously mentioned upgrades into play but, also lets us play some more higher cost cards to help close out games.

And by help close out games, I mean this is another Full-Body Charge with Honed Technique deck...


The basic plan is to run through the deck once using our 8 double Resources to get out all of our Upgrades and Supports, then on the 2nd pass through all your doubles are free to play expensive events like Drop Kick and Full-Body Charge to do a bunch of damage, or pay for Allies like Psylocke and Professor X which let to roll down to Alter-Ego safely to build for a big turn with Hall of Heroes and The Golden City!


Brawn and Thor are mostly there to block with their high HP / Tough respectfully, however Brawn does do a good job with helping threat while still attacking to get rid of low health minions or Toughs. Thor's ability to do 3 to all minions can also come up from time to time.

Psylocke and Professor X is how we get Confuse onto the Villain to help roll down to Alter-Ego to draw a bunch of cards with Hall of Heroes and The Golden City.

And Nick Fury to pay the Marvel Champions tax.

Supports / Upgrades

The only Aggression Support in the deck is Hall of Heroes, which let's you build for a big draw turn whenever you get a chance to go Alter-Ego, especially right before a damage push. We have no way to force Minions, so it might not be needed for Villains that don't have a lot of them in their deck, but most do have enough to at least get it to 3 counters.

Our Upgrades are there to help our Events, Honed Technique helps boost damage of Full-Body Charge to 12 and Drop Kick to 7 (tho you lose the Card Draw and Stun so use only when those aren't needed). Martial Prowess gives us the physical resource needed usually to fulfill Drop Kick and let's us use Press the Advantage without using other resources from our hand.

It should also be noted that while usually Shuri is used to grab Black Panther upgrades, it can grab either of these Aggression upgrades as well if you already have all of the BP ones (or the ones you want for the Villain you're fighting).


The Events in this deck are used for two things. Damage and drawing more cards. Damage is obvious since that's how we beat the Villain. As for the card draw, we have so many resources, so we can often have too many in hand. So any extra cards can likely be played for even more damage / advantage.

Full-Body Charge comes in near the end game to push for more damage with all your extra resources.

Drop Kick can be used throughout the fight as it not only does damage, but when you meet the all physical Resource requirement, you get a stun AND a card draw. We don't have a lot of physical Resources in this deck but, we have a lot of Wild / Double Wilds to help pay for these drop kickers.

Press the Advantage only does 2 damage which isn't that big and really only comes out when the Villain has a status to draw up an additional card. We have confusing Allies and Drop Kick stuns to trigger this.

With the above, I've had turns go, Drop Kick, Stun and Draw 1, use that card to Press the Advantage, Draw another 1, use that card to Wakanda Forever!

Finally, possibly the one that might not seem needed is Plan of Attack. Ideally this becomes fourth thru sixth copies of our events. We need a Stun? Go looking for Drop Kick! Got a Drop Kick but missing a physical resource? Use this to look for another one or a Full-Body Charge. It's also a mental Resource, which can help us trigger Honed Technique.


We've got the 3 doubles to pay the rest of the Marvel Champions tax. But then we have double The Power of Aggression and our three in Hero kit Vibranium.

Giving us effectively 5 double wilds, which is how we're able to run both Drop Kick that needs three Physical resources and Honed Technique which needs double Mental.

Alternatives / Suggestions

This is the deck I settled on with testing but there were a few cards that came to mind to possibly use as alternatives.

Mean Swing was originally in this deck, as Black Panther has two weapon upgrades that do not need to be exhausted to trigger them. I didn't like this too much, since I found Black Panthers basic activation to either went to Thwart or Defend. With the damage coming from Wakanda Forever! and other events.

Hulk was in for a bit as a cheap Aggression Alley for blocks, with all our Wilds, we rarely attacked with him unless we literally needed the last 3 damage to finish off the Villain. Was eventually cut by the end with Brawn holding down his spot due to also being able to help with Threat.

Mockingbird can come in for another Stun to help with triggering Press the Advantage, this was the case for me until I got Professor X who settled in for more freedom to go Alter-Ego with the Confuse and 3 Thwart.

Super Smash Brothers Melee is a very great way to proc Honed Technique since it will boost both instances of damage. It would probably replace Drop Kick but I wanted the Stun and Card Draw.

So I haven't had a chance to get them to actually test this out, but I feel like this could maybe also work with Jubilee since they're already so Stun/Confuse and Event focused. Might be something I try whenever I eventually get their Hero Pack.

Weaknesses / Bad Match-ups

After playing with this deck quite a few times, I find the biggest issues it has is dealing with either a lot of threat generation or Stalwart.

Due to the deck mostly being focused on doing damage, we kind of have to rely on Black Panther's basic Thwart to keep things in check. Which is usually enough for some scenarios but for some more Threat heavy encounters we also need to use our Allies and Tactical Genius. Which are then reliant on having certain allies and Wakanda Forever! to trigger the upgrades.

Stalwart also causes some problems for this deck, as it removes a lot of value from Drop Kick, Press the Advantage, Psylocke and Professor X. Especially, when we also have trouble with lowering threat, without the confuse, we struggle to get that big Alter-Ego turn with The Golden City and Hall of Heroes.

One match-up that was pretty rough was Thanos, as he is Stalwart and to get rid of his attachments you need to Basic Attack, which we're not really fond of doing with Black Panther in this deck. Additionally, the Main Scheme advancing and losing half the deck can be pretty bad unless we already have our Black Panther upgrades out and we don't lose all our copies of Wakanda Forever! and Full-Body Charge.

Another rough match-up was Collector 1, which probably isn't a surprise, it's an encounter that punishes you for building out so it kind of removes the idea of getting our Black Panther upgrades out. After multiple failed attempts, it really came down to only getting Honed Technique onto the table, then fishing for Full-Body Charge and praying to not see any Guard or Biogram Image

And one match-up that I wasn't expecting to be difficult but took a lot of trial and error before figuring out was Unus. Just so much threat can come out sometimes, which if we don't get the right allies / upgrades for, we can get Genepool going outta control, then things start surging, and they double activate and the game is just completely outta hand. Like the time I had turn 1 flipping Masterplan and Under Fire, which pulled up 2 Infinite Soldier, which both surged into Infinite Prelate and I don't think I ever emotionally recovered from that o_o


Hey if you're still around, thanks for reading through all this! First time doing a write up for a deck, been playing since a bit before Angel/Psylocke dropped but mostly been fighting Core Set as I've built my collection. Testing this deck has been a good way to try out more fights which has been cool.

Hope you all have a good rest of your day! And I'll see y'all around if I cook up anything else!


Aug 29, 2024 boothwah · 81

I enjoyed reading this. Thank you.

Aug 29, 2024 MeanBabyHands · 21

@boothwah Thanks for giving it a read, glad you liked it :D