Mall Rats: Ep. 2

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

HeroicSkeleton · 660

Note: This deck is part of a series, and is intended to be played with THIS Jubilee deck.

Shopping up a storm

Since Hurricane is a support card, it can be used to clear the threat on Shopping Spree! Add in the fact that she comes with two item cards in her kit and Ororo is a natural fit as a mall rat. The first item on our shopping list is Storm's Cape. This deck is built around this card, which gives her both aerial and a free ready.

It's a pretty standard repurpose deck. Energy Barrier happens to be an item card, so you can easily get those into play. Discard them with Repurpose for +2 attack and +2 thwart, and then ready Storm as many times as possible in one turn. Hope Summers is useful to pull Weather Goddess, or whichever Storm even you need in the moment.